Report: Hong Kong Crypto Exchange JPEX Converts Users’ Funds to an Illiquid Digital Token
The Hong Kong cryptocurrency exchange JPEX recently converted user funds to a native token known as JPC. According to JPEX, affected users will only be able to cash this token out after two years. One affected user said the crypto exchange did not inform them of the conversion rate used to complete this transaction. Conversion Supposedly Backed by 68% of Users The beleaguered Hong Kong cryptocurrency exchange, JPEX, has reportedly proceeded with its controversial plan of converting users funds to its in-house digital token known as JPC. As part of the exchange’s plan, users whose assets were converted to the currently illiquid token will only be able to redeem their funds in two years. The exchange said converting user funds will help it boost its cash flow position and retain investors. JPEX also claimed that the plan had been endorsed by 68% of user. However, according to a report in the South China Morning Post (SCMP), some users of the exchange platform said they were not cons...