Bank of America: Threats to US Dollar’s Dominance Largely Domestic — Not BRICS Currency or Chinese Yuan
Bank of America has warned that the key threats to the U.S. dollar’s dominance are largely domestic, as opposed to competition from other currencies, including a BRICS currency. “U.S. fiscal brinkmanship, with risks for government shutdown, or even worse a default, keeps coming up during debt ceiling discussions,” the bank’s analysts stressed. Bank of America on Threats to U.S. Dollar’s Dominance Bank of America reportedly said in a note Thursday that despite recent de-dollarization headlines, the U.S. dollar is not in danger of losing its dominance anytime soon. However, the bank warned that the USD is at risk from domestic fiscal issues, such as the possibility of the U.S. defaulting on its debt obligations. “Because much of the USD’s dominant role comes from standing in front of the TSY [U.S. Treasury] market, surprise defaults from a debt ceiling showdown would compromise the dollar’s attractiveness as a store of value,” Bank of America’s analysts detailed, elaborating: Ther...