G20 Watchdog Announces ‘Robust’ Global Crypto Regulation Coming in October
The Financial Stability Board (FSB) says it is working on a “robust” regulatory framework for crypto assets and will report its recommendations to the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors in October. FSB to Present Robust Crypto Regulatory Framework to G20 in October The Financial Stability Board (FSB), an international body that monitors and makes recommendations about the global financial system, released a statement Monday on the “international regulation and supervision of crypto asset activities.” The G20 watchdog stated that it is committed to promoting “international consistency of regulatory and supervisory approaches amongst national authorities and international standard-setters as they work towards developing risk-based, technology-neutral policy for the wide spectrum of crypto-assets, grounded in the principle of ‘same, activity, same risk, same regulation.'” Noting that crypto assets, including stablecoins, are fast evolving, the FSB explained that th...