Brazil Proposes Plan to Settle Bilateral Trade With Argentina in Chinese Yuan
The government of Brazil has formally presented a proposal to Argentina to settle bilateral trade transactions in the Chinese yuan. The proposal, which would leverage resources in the Chinese credit swap line, aims to maintain trade between the countries and secure the payment of Brazilian exporters even with Argentina’s low foreign reserves. Brazil Proposes De-Dollarization of Trade With Argentina The government of Brazil has made an official proposal to abandon the use of the U.S. dollar in bilateral trade settlements with Argentina, one of its main commercial partners. Fernando Haddad, Economy Minister of Brazil, presented the proposal to the Argentine government on the sidelines of the BRICS leaders summit recently held in Johannesburg. Quoted by the Argentine state-owned news outlet Telam, Haddad stated : We sent the Argentine government a guarantee proposal in yuan for Brazilian exports, for Brazilian exporters it is a good thing, it will be good news if Argentina accepts. ...