Big Four Company KPMG to Examine New Business Models in the Metaverse
KPMG, one of the “big four” companies in the consulting and auditing business, is appointing a new head of metaverse futures. The new position, to be occupied by Alyse Sue, will be dedicated to the implementation of technologies such as metaverse and crypto to find fresh business models for the company, as other big four companies are already doing. KPMG to Focus on the Metaverse The metaverse is gaining the attention of many large institutions, currently researching the future of this tech to offer services based upon it. KPMG, one of the biggest companies in the auditing business, has appointed a new head of metaverse futures, with the aim of debuting new business models based on cryptocurrency and metaverse tech. The new position will be occupied by Alyse Sue, who has a background in software engineering, and has already been involved in the founding of two Web3-related startups: Transhuman Coin and Futrdao. Sue will be in charge of developing this new area in the company, surve...