Sushiswap Smart Contract Bug Results in Over $3M in Losses; Head Chef Says Hundreds of ETH Recovered
According to several reports, a bug introduced to the decentralized exchange (dex) protocol Sushiswap’s smart contract has resulted in more than $3 million in losses. The blockchain and smart contract security firm Peckshield explained the exploited contract was “deployed in multiple blockchains.” Dex Platform Sushiswap Suffers From Smart Contract Exploit Over the weekend, the dex platform Sushiswap saw its RouteProcess02 contract exploited and then distributed across various blockchain networks. Blockchain security firm Certik published an alert after discovering the exploit. The company Peckshield also updated the crypto community via Twitter, noting that Sushiswap’s “RouterProcessor2 contract has an approve-related bug.” It has also been reported that the victim was a well-known crypto advocate called Sifu , who reportedly lost 1,800 ether. Sifu may not have been the only victim, as Certik’s alert mentions that a few USDC users may have been affected. “We have detected suspici...