India’s Prime Minister Calls for Global Crypto Framework With Focus on Unified Approach, Adoption, Democratization
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi says crypto needs “a global framework and regulations.” He stressed: “The rapid pace of change of technology is a reality — there is no point in ignoring it or wishing it away. Instead, the focus should be on adoption, democratization, and a unified approach.” Modi on Crypto Regulation Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi talked about cryptocurrency regulation in an interview with Business Today, published on Saturday. Modi, who recently returned to India from South Africa, where he attended the BRICS summit, said: The rapid pace of change of technology is a reality — there is no point in ignoring it or wishing it away. Instead, the focus should be on adoption, democratization, and a unified approach. “At the same time, the rules, regulations, and framework around it should not belong to one country or a group of countries. So not only crypto, but all emerging technologies need a global framework and regulations,” the Indian prime minister str...